Dr Vijayraj N
Consultant Neuro Psychiatrist
MBBS , MD (Psychiatry)
Experience : 10+ Years
Languages : English, Hindi, Kannada, Telugu, Malayalam
Dr. Vijay Raj in has graduated from MR Medical College Gulbarga and post graduation from BMCRI ( Bangalore medical college and research institute). After post graduation worked in VIMS Bellary with more than 9 years experience in Psychiatric. Area of interest De-addiction, sleep medicine presented various paper at National and international conference.
Consultant neuro Psychiatrist, Psychiatric treatment counseling, Addiction of alcohol, Smoking and other De-addiction cession, sexual Problems, childhood, old age problems, mental health, Stress released issues.
Specialist in treatment of
- Neuro Psychiatrist
- Psychiatric treatment Counseling
- De-addiction of Alcohol
- Smoking and other Drug sessions
- Sexual Problems Counseling
- Childhood, old age mental problems
- Stress Related Problems
- 5 PM to 8 PM Monday to Saturday on appointment basis.

Facilities Available in Our polyclinic
- Consultation 4.30 PM - 8 PM
- Pharmacy
Laboratory (24 x 7 Available)
Contact No. 7411985477 / 8660495729 / 9448034728 - X Ray
- ECG Test
- EEG Test
- Physiotherapy